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Registrado: 29 Ago 2009 22:08
Receptor: Azbox
Ubicación: San Miguel - BA
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Mensaje por Matutevali@ »

Bueno tenemos a prueba este chiche, veremos como se porta cuando el tiempo nos acompañe:
Descripción & Contenido 6x8 Multi-Switch

Zinwell Wide Band WB68
Solución ideal mezclar 3 satélites a 8 recibidores independientes funciona para DTV, TiVo TLC y FTA

Funciona para satélites 72.5°/95°/99°/101°/103°/110°/119° verificar diagrama antes de comprar


Works with 72.5°/95°/99°/101°/103°/110°/119° DTV satellites.

Use this device to hook up Eight receivers to a 3 satellite dishes (with 6 coax connections)

Use with DTV AT9 or AU9 Ka/Ku satellite dishes for MPEG-4 compression HD compatible receivers.

The Zinwell WB68 is a DTV approved, 6X8 multi-switch, designed to expand the new AT9 Ka/Ku Satellite Dish

Supporting up to 8 independently operated receivers.

The WB68 supports all DTV Receivers, but is specially designed to work with the newest MPEG4-capable DTV HD Receivers such as the model H20.

The WB68 supports up to two additional inputs using "Flexports" from satellites at locations such as 95° W and 72.5° W.

The WB68 replaces a SAM-6802 (discontinued) narrowband 6X8 multi-switch. The SAM-6802 is being phased out.

Need More Receivers!!
The Zinwell 6x8 Multiswitch WB68, MS6X8WB-Z is a DTV Approve Multiswitch design for DTV High Definition, This Multiswitch is Capable of giving you up to 8 outputs allowing you to add additional receiver. This DTV Multiswitch is great for adding additional DVR's, Don't get stock receiving programming on just 2 or 4 receivers.

This Zinwell 6x8 Multiswitch WB68, MS6X8WB-Z is a Approved Product.
Use this new WB68, MS6X8WB-Z Multiswitch with the new SlimLine or the AT9 5 LNB DTV Satellite Dish.
The WB68, MS6X8WB-Z Multiswitch Uses all four outputs from the Slimeline DISH, plus optional inputs from up to two additional dishes.
The WB68, MS6X8WB-Z Multiswitch Provides a total of eight outputs
This WB68, MS6X8WB-Z Multiswitch uses MPEG-4/HD technology.
This DTV Multiswitch has Excellent Isolation.
The WB68, MS6X8WB-Z Multiswitch is a passive multiswitch powered only by the connected satellite receivers.
The WB68, MS6X8WB-Z Multiswitch has a Wideband frequency multiswitch: 250-750 Mhz, 950-1450 Mhz, 1650-2150 Mhz
This DTV Multiswitch is waterproof, Guaranteed.
Light Weight Design Multiswitch.
This DTV Multiswitch has a Wide Band Frequency KU KA Phase 3.
Works with all DTV Receivers and Disches.

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AZ S900HD - Azbox Premium HD+ - Azbox Premium HD - Azbox Moozca Titan
Satelites Cazados
Banda KU: 15º - 30º - 43º - 45º - 43º - 50º - 55.5º - 61º - 63º - 70º - 72º - 89º - 113º - 116.8º
Banda C: 22º - 40.5º - 43º - 45º - 50º - 55.5º - 58º - 61º - 70º - 78º -

LNB KU: Opticum Twin - Maximum Gold Twin - Best Germany Twin - Inverto Twin
LNB C: Gardiner 12k - Pauxis PX901 17Kº - DMX242 Twin
Parabolicas: 0.60 - Patriot 090 - Channel Master 110 - Prodelin 1183 1.80
San Miguel - BA - Argentina

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Re: Multiswitch

Mensaje por Lucho84 »

queee lindoooooo!!!!!!

Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 263
Registrado: 01 Sep 2009 10:34
Receptor: Az América
Ubicación: Rada Tilly - Chubut - Argentina
Edad: 50

Re: Multiswitch

Mensaje por Chappy »

se ve robusto, aca tengo un Zinwell 4X1 que todavia no lo probé ve que son bastante "pisteros"

Receptor Azamerica S922
Receptor Azbox Bravoo HD
Receptor Freesat V7
TDA a full - Antenita OneforAll 14db (lo único online por ahora)
Mensajes: 1417
Registrado: 01 Sep 2009 13:35
Receptor: Coship
Ubicación: quilmes
Edad: 54

Re: Multiswitch

Mensaje por Clau535 »

esperamos ansiosos ...matute ...hoy parece estar lindo....manos a la obra.......

quilmes, bs as
receptores cw 650s y starsat azs900(ya llega)
lnbs chess 0,1 ,ariza 3 ,sin marca universal 3,pauxis 17k
antenas 1 de 1,10; 5 de 60 drtv y 1 zirok1,50mts
sat cazados:
telstar 12
intelsat 11
intelsat 14
intelsat 1R
intelsat 805
intelsat 9
strela do soul
star one c2
galaxy 28
satmex 5
satmex 6
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